Arkal Manual Disc Filters                                                                                                

Standard Features:
- Innovative filter design captures and retains large amounts of solids.
- Long-term operation with little maintenance or cleaning.
- Operation is easy and requires no special tools.
- Completely corrosion resistant.

Special Features:
Built-in tap for easy cleaning procedure - ¾" filtap.


Disc Filtration Technology

Arkal Water Filtration Systems operate using a specially designed disc filtration technology. Thin, color-coded polypropylene discs are diagonally grooved on both sides to a specific micron size. A series of these discs are then stacked and compressed on a specially designed spine. When stacked, the groove on top runs opposite to the groove below, creating a filtration element with a statistically significant series of valleys and traps for solids. The stack is enclosed in a corrosion and pressure resistant housing.

shape of the water track created by the adjusted discs on stage 1shape of the water track created by the adjusted discs on stage 2shape of the water track created by the adjusted discs on stage 3

During the filtration process, the filtration discs are tightly compressed together by the spring's power and the differential pressure, thus providing high filtration efficiency. Filtration occurs while water is percolating from the peripheral end to the core of the element. Depending on the micron rating, there are from 18 (in 400 micron discs) to32 (in 20 micron discs) stopping points in each track, thus creating the unique in-depth filtration.

Color Code:
Blue Yellow Red Black Brown Green Purple Gray
Mesh 40 80 120 140 - - - -
Micron 400 200 130 100 70 55 40 20
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