Amiad Water Systems Ltd. List of Patents updated July 12, 2022
s LtdFiltering Element and Method for its Manufacture
Country | Title | Patent No. / Publication No. | Grant Date / Pub. Date | Status |
Australia | Filtering Element and Method for its Manufacture | 2011222448 | September 19, 2014 | In Force; Patent ends on March 1, 2031 |
Chile | Filtering Element and Method for its Manufacture | 2379-2012 | September 24, 2017 | In force; Patent ends on March 1, 2031 |
China | Filtering Element and Method for its Manufacture | ZL 2011800116981 | June 16, 2017 | In Force; Patent ends on March 1, 2031 |
India | Filtering Element and Method for its Manufacture | 285224 | July 14, 2017 | In Force; Patent ends on March 1, 2031 |
Israel | Filtering Element and Method for its Manufacture | 221692 | May 1, 2017 | In Force; Patent ends on March 1, 2031 |
Singapore | Filtering Element and Method for its Manufacture | 183540 | March 18, 2015 | In Force; Patent ends on March 1, 2031 |
US | Screen-type filter element including filter assembly with fine and coarse mesh screen sheet material layers selectively penetrated by integrally attached plastic enveloping ribs | 9415331 | August 16, 2016 | In Force; Patent ends on March 6, 2031 |
Filtration System and Filter Assembly Associated Therewith
Country | Title | Patent No. / Publication No. | Grant Date / Pub. Date | Status |
Australia | Filtration System and Filter Assembly Associated Therewith | 2014358672 | November 22, 2018 | In Force; Patent ends on December 4, 2034 |
Israel | Filtration System and Filter Assembly Associated Therewith | In Force; Patent ends on December 4, 2034 | ||
Singapore | Filtration System and Filter Assembly Associated Therewith | 10201804576W | December 6, 2019 | In Force: Patent ends on December 4, 2034 |
Fluid Filtering Unit and System (Client Case: NG1, NG3)
Country | Title | Patent No. / Publication No. | Grant Date / Pub. Date | Status |
Australia | Fluid Filtering Unit and System | 2011311175 | October 13, 2016 | In Force; Patent ends on October 6, 2031 |
Chile | Fluid Filtering Unit and System | 2013-0915 (registration no. 56.051) | June 5, 2018 | In Force; Patent ends on October 6, 2031 |
Europe | Fluid Filtering Unit and System | EP 2624931 | August 28, 2019 | In force Patenet validation in UK only (GA Ref.: 530-3/16) |
China | Fluid Filtering Unit and System | ZL 201180058435.6 | October 21, 2015 | In Force; Patent ends on October 6, 2031 |
Israel | Fluid Filtering Unit and System | 225564 | September 30, 2017 | In Force; Patent ends on October 6, 2031 |
US | Fluid Filtering Unit and System | 9,347,570 | May 24, 2016 | In Force ; Patent ends on February 7, 2032 |
Singapore | Fluid Filtering Unit and System | 10201508254X | December 7, 2016 | In Force; : Patent ends on October 6, 2031 |
China (DIV) | Fluid Filtering Unit and System | ZL 201510578116.8 | February 2, 2018 | In Force ; Patent ends on October 6, 2031 |
Australia (DIV) | Fluid Filtering Unit and System | 2016231580 | June 28, 2018 | In Force; Patent ends on October 6, 2031 |
Singapore (DIV) | Fluid Filtering Unit and System | 10201610212R | June 1, 2020 | In Force ; Patent ends on October 6, 2031 |
Israel (DIV) | Fluid Filtering Unit and System | 252936 | April 17, 2019 | In Force; : Patent ends on October 6, 2031 |
UK | Fluid Filtering Unit and System | EP 2624931 | August 28, 2019 | In Force: Patent ends on October 6, 2031 |
Self Cleaning Filter System
Country | Title | Patent No. / Publication No. | Grant Date / Pub. Date | Status |
Australia | Self Cleaning Filter System | 2011336131 | June 1, 2017 | In Force; Patent ends on December 1, 2031 |
China | Self Cleaning Filter System | ZL 201180066443.5 | May 20, 2015 | In Force; Patent ends on December 1, 2031 |
Europe | Self Cleaning Filter System | 2646131 | October 23, 2019 | In Force; Patent validated in United Kingdom, Turkey, France, Germany, Italy, Spain |
Israel | Self Cleaning Filter System | 226642 | March 1, 2018 | In Force: Patent ends on December 1, 2031 |
US | Self Cleaning Filter System | US 9,901,850 | February 27, 2018 | In Force: Patent ends on December 1, 2031 |
France (EU Validation) | Self Cleaning Filter System | 15438 | January 23, 2020 | In Force; Patent ends on December 1, 2031 |
Turkey (EU Validation) | Self Cleaning Filter System | TR 2019 18234 T4 | November 25, 2019 | In Force; Patent ends on December 1, 2031 |
Italy (EU Validation) | Self Cleaning Filter System | 502019000101994 | December 2, 2019 | In Force; Patent ends on December 1, 2031 |
GB (EU Validation) | Self Cleaning Filter System | EP2646131 | October 23, 2019 | In Force; Patent ends on December 1, 2031 |
Germany (EU Validation) | Self Cleaning Filter System | 60 2011 062 943.3 | November 14, 2020 | In Force; Patent ends on December 1, 2031 |
Spain (EU Validation) | Self Cleaning Filter System | 300345763 | December 11, 2019 | In Force; Patent ends on December 1, 2031 |
Filtration System and Components There For
Country | Title | Patent No. / Publication No. | Grant Date / Pub. Date | Status |
Australia | Filtration System and Components There For | 2011342728 | August 2, 2018 | In Force; Patent ends on December 15, 2031 |
Chile | Filtration System and Components There For | 56085 | June 11, 2018 | In Force; Patent ends on December 15, 2031 |
China | Filtration System and Components There For | CN 103370118 | October 23, 2013 | Pending; Patent ends on December 14, 2031 |
Israel | Filtration System and Components There For | 226884 | September 1, 2018 | In Force; Patent ends on December 15, 2031 |
Japan | Filtration System and Components There For | 6141768 | May 12, 2017 | In Force; Patent ends on December 15, 2031 |
Singapore | Filtration System and Components There For | 10201509912S | June 21, 2012 | In Force: Patent ends on December 15, 2031 |
Tubular Elements Coupling
IL | Tubular Elements Coupling | 229839 | November 1, 2018 | In Force; Patent ends on June 13, 2032 |
Fluid Contamination Prevention System - Client Case
Country | Title | Patent No. / Publication No. | Grant Date / Pub. Date | Status |
Australia | Fluid Contamination Prevention System | 2012338359 | January 3, 2018 | In Force; Patent ends on November 14, 2032 |
EP | Fluid Contamination Prevention System | EP2780095 | October 30, 2019 | In Force |
UK (EU) | Fluid Contamination Prevention System | EP2780095 | November 22, 2019 | In Force: Patent ends on November 14, 2032 |
Turkey (EU) | Fluid Contamination Prevention System | TR 2019 18899 T4 | December 2, 2019 | In Force: Patent ends on November 14, 2032 |
Spain (EU) | Fluid Contamination Prevention System | 300342923 | November 19, 2019 | In Force: Patent ends on November 14, 2032 |
Germany (EU) | Fluid Contamination Prevention System | EP2780095 | November 22, 2019 | In Force: Patent ends on November 14, 2032 |
France (EU) | Fluid Contamination Prevention System | 2780095 | October 30, 2019 | In Force: Patent ends on November 14, 2032 |
Italy (EU) | Fluid Contamination Prevention System | 502019000102147 | November 22, 2019 | In Force: Patent ends on November 14, 2032 |
Israel | Fluid Contamination Prevention System | 232489 | November 30, 2019 | In Force: Patent ends on November 14, 2032 |
US | Fluid Contamination Prevention System | US 9,993,754 | June 12, 2018 | In Force; Patent ends on October 13, 2034 |
Singapore | Fluid Contamination Prevention System | 10201603790P | May 23, 2013 | In Force: Patent ends on November 14, 2032 |
Prime (Filtration System)
Country | Title | Patent No. / Publication No. | Grant Date / Pub. Date | Status |
PCT | Filtration System | WO2019145943 | August 1, 2019 | Pending |
US | Filtration System | 10176 | January 9, 2022 | In Force: |
South Africa (national phase) | Filtration System | 2020/00144 | May 27, 2020 | In Force: Patent ends on January 22, 2039 |
ADI-P | ||||
Country | Title | Patent No. / Publication No. | Grant Date / Pub. Date | Status |
Israel | Control Mechanism for Self-Cleaning Filtration systems | 258698 | July 31, 2019 | In Force: Patent ends on April 15, 2038 |
Chile | Control Mechanism for Self-Cleaning Filtration systems | 64230 | 44664 | In Force: Patent ends on April 2, 2039 |
South Africa | Control Mechanism for Self-Cleaning Filtration systems | 2020/00531 | October 27, 2021 | In Force: Patent ends on April 2, 2039 |
DVF | ||||
Country | Title | Patent No. / Publication No. | Grant Date / Pub. Date | Status |
GB | FILTER APPARATUS | GB 2547668 | September 11, 2019 | In Force: Patent ends on February 24, 2036 | is amiad worldwide on-line leading distributor