Amiad's ADI-P controller - a Bluetooth Operated Controller for Controlling a Single Filter.
The system consists of two major components, the ADI-P Controller and the Mobile Application.
The ADI-P controller can be supplied in two different configurations: as an integral component of a new filtration system where the controller is already connected to the filter and configured for that specific filter model or as a stand-alone unit to be connected and configured for an existing installed filter.
This document covers the product's both configurations.
Getting to know the ADI-P Controller:
Take few moments to familiarize yourself with the ADI-P components:

1. ADI-P Panel for manual flushing button and indication leds
2. 3-Way 12VDC solenoid latch
3. Solenoid's Manual Operation Handle
4. ADI-P Cover
5. 8 mm Pressure Input
Kit Box 2 Kg. 44x27x12 cm [4 Lbs. 17"x11"x5"]